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Wedding Tips by Mike Allebach

As a wedding photographer I've had the privilege of helping brides and grooms by answering questions and giving little tips. While I'm no wedding planner, I can give a few suggestions or provide you with recommended vendors I love. I've written many of these tips for other websites like Offbeat Bride and and together they have been seen by over 1/2 million brides, grooms and wedding vendors.

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Allebach Photography serves weddings in all 50 states. We've photographed weddings from Maine to California. We are located in the suburbs of Philadelphia in a town called North Wales. If you look on a map North Wales is surrounded by Lansdale, Blue Bell, Collegeville, Harleysville, Souderton, Telford, Montgomeryville, Horsham, Hatfield and East Norriton.

403 East Walnut Street, North Wales, Pa 19454