Raise a Glass: Honoring the Ones Who Shaped Our Lives

At Allebach Photography, we believe that every moment with the ones we love is worth celebrating. Recently, we had the privilege of capturing a truly heartwarming experience that exemplifies the importance of cherishing our family bonds. At Phoenixville Pride Fest, we hosted a booth and ran a raffle for a $1500 gift certificate. The winner? …

From Shy to Bold: Jaime’s Empowering Self-Love Solo Boudoir Journey

Jaime had always been a devoted mother, pouring her heart and soul into raising her two children. After 18 years of being a full-time mom, she felt like she had lost a part of herself. With her son graduating high school and her daughter about to start, Jaime knew it was time to rediscover who …

Mom travels from Maryland to celebrate the love and appreciation she has for her family

Ashley deeply loves her family and is always looking for ways to show how much she appreciates them, because you never really know how long you might have with them.  Three years ago, Ashley lost her sister, her best friend, to cancer and life hasn’t been the same since. Little did Ashley know though, shortly …

Photographer Mom Finally Gets In The Photos With Daughter

For the Kopaczewski family, the key to happiness is quality not quantity.  “It’s just me and my daughter, Abigail,” says Jess, explaining that the duo is super close since it’s only the two of them.  Like all families, theirs keeps busy, with Jess driving Abigail to and from (as well as cheering her on) tons …

Mom Lights Up Seeing Her Boisterous Sons Look Like Angels

Katy, who is not only a full time working mom but is also in a doctorate level academic program, knows her time with her sons is precious, which is why we truly appreciate her making the time to bring her boys in for a Renaissance session.  “We keep a very busy schedule so the time …

Cathartic Moments Suspended In Time For Puzzle Piece Family

Stephanie fondly calls her family “our puzzle-piece family.” Her two girls, who are 9 and 10, were born in Ireland to their Irish father. When her husband passed away in 2015, Stephanie and her girls moved to the States (New Jersey), where she soon met her now fiancé Rich. The two dated for a year …

Montgomery County Family Photo Session

Back when we were known as the Tattooed Bride Photography Studio, Laura followed our Facebook page and got to be a part of a “tattooed stories” model call. So much has changed since 2015, especially for Laura and Glen who now have 2 beautiful kids; Emma and Benjamin. When we launched the model call for …

Empowering Photoshoot Leaves Mom Realizing How Amazing She Is

Lauren and her husband Bobby were super interested in doing a couple’s boudoir session, but little did Lauren know Bobby had contacted us to participate in our Renaissance of Mom Model Call.  “Once I found out we were booked for a family shoot I got really emotional. When I talked to Erika over the phone …

Motherhood Session Freezes Time for Mother and Daughters

Sara, like many moms these days, is a full time working mom trying to balance her work with her children’s schedules.  “Some days are a little crazier than others, but we make it work. The girls’ dad works crazy hours, leaving before the sun comes up and sometimes working past the ‘normal working hours,’” she …

Describe Your Child in Three Words

It’s hard to do, right? How can you encapsulate everything about your child into three tiny words? My three favorite to date describe this handsome little guy: Tenacious | Precocious | Inquisitive That is exactly how Amber described her son, Wilson. So let’s break down those words and why they so perfectly describe him. te·na·cious/ …

Unbreakable Bond

I remember the first time I read Gemma’s story, I knew immediately that this experience would be important for her to have. Liam is her world. Her sun, her moon, and her stars. He is there for her when she needs an emotional anchor and he also knows when she needs a moment alone. I …

Beauty & Science

When Yana emailed to have her Renaissance of Mom portrait done, I was ecstatic! Her and her husband, Ryan, had come in previously for couples boudoir with Mike, so I was already familiar with how fun loving they are. Emma was a total delight to photograph. She loved having her portraits done and her eyes …

Grand Reopening!

It’s here! Phase Green is here and we couldn’t be more ecstatic to reopen! To celebrate, we’re offering $100 off every photographic experience we offer. We’re taking all of the necessary precautions to ensure everyone’s safety as they come through our doors. We will have our face masks on, sanitizer pumps stationed all over the …