Lauren and her husband Bobby were super interested in doing a couple’s boudoir session, but little did Lauren know Bobby had contacted us to participate in our Renaissance of Mom Model Call.
“Once I found out we were booked for a family shoot I got really emotional. When I talked to Erika over the phone I opened up about how I was so excited to celebrate our family.”

The couple struggled with fertility issues. It took Lauren and Bobby over a year to get pregnant with their daughter. Now they have two children just bursting with life, a 4-year-old girl named Riley and an 18-month-old boy named Jameson.

“To celebrate those two and be able to showcase our family in our house is amazing,” said Lauren, adding that she so rarely gets to be in family photos since she’s the one usually taking them! A sentiment shared by most moms.

When they arrived at the studio Erika greeted them, immediately putting Lauren’s anxieties at ease.
“We pulled up and Erika met us at our car and offered to carry anything we needed help with. Right off the bat she started talking to our daughter and Riley immediately connected with her. They became best friends in a matter of three minutes.”

Erika led them upstairs to the studio, they put down their bags, hung up their outfits and went right into hair and makeup.
“They let Riley go first and made her feel like a princess. She got to pick the music we listened to and they listened to all her crazy stories.”

Riley even hopped back up in the chair for a little blush and eye shadow.
“I felt like I’ve known these two women my entire life. I felt like all the mom stress just went away.”
The family got into their outfits and then it was time for the fun to begin!

“Erika made both my kids laugh with no effort. She is AHHHMAZING with kids. My son had a wardrobe malfunction so while my husband and I were handling that she was singing a duet with my daughter. We came back to her snapping photos of Riley singing while standing on the couch and that captured the definition of my daughter! She knew exactly what to do to bring out Riley’s true self,” Lauren said.

Erika effortlessly moved along with photographing their 18-month-old, who can often prove to be unpredictable (like most toddlers!) according to Lauren .

“I haven’t felt so empowered since I gave birth. She let us know each way to pose and in the middle of snapping photos and telling us where to adjust she would shout out compliments. She snuck in these compliments without effort but I heard every single one of them and I felt amazing. I never once felt like I had to hide my ‘double chin’ or my stomach, etcetera.”

Seeing the glow and happiness on her husband’s face was one of the highlights of the day for Lauren.
“He got to see me fully happy, surrounded by love. We tickled each other, snuggled, swapped kisses, and had some full on belly laughs. It was amazing to just let go for a few hours and not worry about anything in the world. Erika led us upstairs for snacks while we waited for her to edit the photos, which was so amazing and sweet.”
When they got to the reveal Lauren laughed and she cried.
“The reveal was absolutely amazing. They don’t lie when they say you will laugh and cry. It was stunning. She captured the true side in all four of us. My favorite photo was the four of us all giggling and laughing. I can’t wait to display it in our new house, hopefully in the near future. We have always worked so hard for what we want and to be able to capture it in photos has been such an amazing experience.”

The session put Lauren at ease and now she is feels even more ready for her and Bobby’s upcoming couples boudoir session.
“I have a few things to get done before our shoot but this family shoot showed me I really don’t need to alter my body at all. You forget about everything when you are in that studio. You are YOU in that studio, and you are beautiful. They will effortlessly show you how amazing you are.”

She continued, “I literally cannot say enough good things about Allebach Photography and Erika. I also cannot thank her and Mike enough… they were amazing from the door. As a mom, I’m never usually in photos so this was an amazing treat. I cannot thank my husband enough for booking this photo shoot for us and I will cherish these pictures forever. THANK YOU Allebach Photography.”
Celebrate the renaissance of your own family! Book your own session by visiting http://allebachphotography.com/contact/