Bartram Gardens Wedding in Philadelphia: Paula and Ed

ATTENTION: This wedding is adorable. The personal details by our photographer-bride Paula, as well as the oldest surviving botanical garden in North America came together with the obvious love between this couple to create absolutely beautiful pictures. Check out the engagement reference with the wrestling masks! Batram’s Gardens was their wedding venue! It is the oldest …

Wonder Bar Asbury Park Wedding

Asbury Park, New Jersey Wedding: Scott & Richard

Check out these gorgeously and custom styled studs (suits by Enzo Custom Clothiers). On a beautiful day on the Asbury Park boardwalk, the lovebirds went strolling for some excited pictures. Next, the Parlor Gallery, a colorful art gallery for our colorful couple to be married. Lastly, on to McLoone’s Supper Club on Ocean Avenue to …

Instagram Contest for Free 1 Hour Photoshoot with Allebach Photography

Go to our instagram at to check out the brand new contestRules > Repost either of these images with @tattooedbridephotoguy #allebach to enter on instagram!  Snap a pic of the screen with your phone or use a reposting ap.    We are still booking nerdy awesome tattooed lesbian and gay weddings for 2015.  We photograph anywhere in …

Headshots by Allebach Photography

Headshot Portraits by Mike Allebach Announcing headshot portraits by Allebach Photography. Need a headshot or portrait?  Visit our studio in North Wales, Pa close to Lansdale & Blue Bell and accessible from Philadelphia via the Lansdale/Doylestown train.  We photograph headshots for business people, entrepreneurs, actors, tattoo artists and wedding business professionals.  Our rates start are …