It’s safe to say that Michaela likes to challenge herself wherever she can.
Not only is she a Statistical Programmer by day with a Bachelor’s Degree in Math, a Master’s in Biostastistics, and the FIRST person in her family to attend grad school, in her free time she lifts weights, rock climbs and roller skates. This girl is an all around rock star!

Michaela is one of the first people to admit though, that her love for competitiveness, that drive that is entrenched in her soul, can sometimes come at a personal cost.
“Challenging myself through academics and hobbies is an amazing habit, but when that perfectionism bleeds into how I view my own appearance, it can get messy,” she explains, admitting that she’s struggled with Body Dysmorphia for years.

It’s been a long and tough battle between picking obsessively at her flaws and trying to just be happy in her own skin, but as she’s grown older and wiser she’s begun to see that’s one fight that just isn’t worth it.
“The older I get, though, the more I learn that looks are fleeting… so instead of trying to challenge myself in this shallow department, I am learning to enjoy my body/looks as they are now. Life is too short to spend time trying to relentlessly improve an asset that will not follow me to the grave. Thus, I will ‘take a thousand naked pictures of myself now so I can look back at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, “Dear God, I was a beautiful thing,’” Michaela says.

With all that said, Michaela channeled her inner Moira Rose and jumped into her solo boudoir session with us!
She had a blast being a model for a day (smacking flour on her butt was one of the day’s highlights!), though admits that some of those “bendy” poses made her thankful it wasn’t her day job!

Though she admits to being a little nervous about not liking the way she naturally looks half-naked, all doubts were expelled when she saw her photos afterwards. She didn’t just like the way she looked – she loved how she looked.
“I was shocked, like daaaaaamn, ya girl bent in ways she never thought she could,” says Michaela.

Since her session, she’s been feeling more confident in her own skin and is starting to appreciate the things that make her different and unique.

Michaela created a little photo album for herself, because “I want to look back at my fearless youth when I’m an old recluse,” she laughed.
We love the thought of a little old Michaela sitting in her rocking chair admiring her boudoir album many years from now!

To book your own boudoir experience, call us at Allebach Photography for at 610.539.6920 for your free consultation or visit http://allebachphotography.com/contact/