I think it’s safe to say that most of us struggle from time to time in seeing ourselves as our partner or our loved ones see us; strong, beautiful, sexy, confident, etc. We are, after all, our biggest critics and that’s what our loved ones are there for! To build us up and remind us that we are all of these things, and more.

Tricia has struggled with personal insecurities and negative body image for as long as she can remember and credits her husband as being her biggest confidence booster.
“The endless adolescent teasing in middle school, followed by the imperfections pointed out by high school boyfriends left a lasting impression, regardless of how much I tried to move past that,” Tricia shared with us.

About 10 years ago, Tricia had boudoir photos taken as a birthday gift for her husband, which was huge for her because she said she’s always hated having her picture taken.
And despite the fact that she rarely sees herself as attractive, she was struck by how beautiful she felt after seeing her photos!

Now, 10 years later her husband requested she do boudoir again, “but this time a little sexier.”
Though the idea gave her butterflies, she decided to give it a try for him.
“While we have an amazing relationship, I was totally out of my comfort zone trying to convey sexiness. I’m much more comfortable smiling and laughing. I was totally nervous because my husband wanted sexy. And I’m not good at looking sexy on command! I just can’t fake a seductive look. And I don’t normally walk around naked so that had my nerves rattled a bit.”

After doing her research and speaking with Mike, however, she felt confident that she was in good hands (Mike and Erika are excellent at directing posing that is both sexy and natural).
“Talking to Mike completely eased my mind,” she said.
It also didn’t hurt that on the morning of her session she had a glass of wine to ease her nerves!

Though Tricia’s self-consciousness never completely went away, she said she “felt amazing. Erika was absolutely amazing at helping to make it a fun and relaxing experience. Everything was perfect.”

Tricia chose some of her husband’s favorite outfits of hers to play around with during her session.
“My husband loves me to dress up and, as a result, I have many schoolgirl skirts. So dressing up in the plaid skirt, white top and knee socks was a given.”

She also brought a few items that represented their relationship together and spoke to her own identity.
“Our favorite place in the world is Key West and we go several times a year so I had to wear one of my tank tops strictly because it’s our happy place. And my American flag was for purely personal reasons,” she said.

When it came time to see her photo reveal, Tricia’s husband joined and helped select some of their artwork.

“My husband hung the enlargement photos on our bedroom wall. It was weird seeing them at first, but it makes me feel so good every time I see them.”

Tricia said her favorite part of the whole experience was getting to let go of her insecurities for a few hours.
“It really was a confidence booster. I would do it all over again because it was so much fun. And coming from someone as insecure with body image as I am that says a lot.”

To schedule your own spicy 50 Shades Session with Allebach Photography, call 610.539.6920 or visit http://allebachphotography.com/contact/!