Bryant and Meredith’s Couples Boudoir Story

We love the words Bryant uses to describe his relationship with Meredith: “Our relationship is built with all of the honest pieces of ourselves,” he tells us.

When the two of them met (at the gig of a mutual friend’s who is a guitar player – Meredith on a date with another guy), they were both going through nasty divorces.

While their divorces gave them something to commiserate on, going through such painful ordeals separately made them both realize how important it was to build a relationship around trust and open communication.

“Based off of our shared experiences in our own failed marriages, we’ve really learned to just be honest and super communicative, and it’s been tremendous,” Bryant said, adding that they have their own issues now and then (like everyone else) but it’s without the toxicity that they’d become so accustomed to in their previous relationships.

“I love how genuine, loving, accepting, and confident Bryant is. I love and respect him very much as a partner and friend,” says Meredith.

Bryant and Meredith have been together for three years and have five kids between the two of them that keep them on their toes!
When Meredith’s 40th birthday began to come up, Bryant thought a couples boudoir session for her was just what she needed.

“We came across Allebach on Facebook and joined the page. Meredith had said how much she would enjoy the experience, and with her birthday coming up, I figured that would be a lovely gift. My goal was to give her this opportunity to bask in feeling gorgeous and really get some new wind in her sails,” he says.

“I recently got divorced, lost my job and turned 40 all within a few months so it an amazing gift from my partner to get to do this!” Meredith chimed in.

The two had such a fun time in the weeks leading up to their session, deciding on outfits and shopping for things on Amazon. They looked through photos to get ideas and inspiration for their own session. They even picked out a small bottle of bourbon to bring along.

Since they were coming from Harrisburg (about a two-hour drive), they also decided to make arrangements to turn it into a little vacation.

“As the day approached we decided to make it a bit of a vacation, so we booked a hotel, which really allowed us to take our time and not feel rushed. The shoot itself was very much what we’d hoped for. Mike was very professional, and he got some great shots of the both of us!” said Bryant.

“I felt very comfortable pretty quickly with Mike. It was a fun, empowering experience. Then to see the pics at the end of the session was incredible!” said Meredith.

Bryant says, “We really enjoyed the shots Mike got of us on the St. Andrew’s Cross, in addition to one that captures Meredith looking over her shoulder with her new Phoenix tattoo. Mike even got a good picture of just me wearing only sweatpants and a fur, playing my guitar! It’s going to be so much fun to look through them all again.”

The couple is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the album they ordered (couples typically receive their artwork within 4-6 weeks of their session). They are also planning on ordering some wall art ASAP says Meredith.

“We had such a good experience, and it was good for us to use our session as the focal point for a much needed break in our normal routines. 10/10 would recommend!”

Ready for your own session? Book your couples boudoir session by calling 610.539.6920 or going to