Brianna has been trying to get out of her comfort zone and be more open to experiences she says she would normally think she isn’t ‘good enough’ or ‘right’ for.
“I don’t want any regrets of ‘I should have done it thoughts’ when I get older,” she says

A long time amateur model, Brianna has been following Allebach Photography since back when Mike was just becoming known as the Tattooed Bride Photographer.
“I’ve been following his progress, achievements, growth and transformation ever since!” she said.

Brianna, who is also a hair and makeup artist, realtor AND nanny, says she’s really grown to enjoy and appreciate the changes the studio has made in the past several years to focus on body positivity.

“Allebach is one of the best photographers I know of on all levels and in all aspects. They have made it a mission to help people love themselves and be comfortable in their own skin. I have been in and around the photography/modeling business for over 15 years in a few different aspects. Mike and Erika are professional, relatable, super easy to work with and be around, they are honest and truly care that you get what you need and want out of your time with them,” she shared with us.

And Brianna’s own session did not disappoint. Though she admits to having been a little nervous and unsure of how to pose to look both natural and sexy, she says Erika and Mike provided great direction both before and during the shoot and allowed her to feel super comfortable in her own skin (and in the outfits she brought, which included some sexy lingerie, latex, a corset, and heels).

Brianna’s session made her feel “astonished, elated, beautiful and proud” and just “slightly sad that I do not see myself like that on a day to day basis and and all my younger years wishing I could change parts of my physical appearance because it did not fit into what I was told was beautiful,” she said.

For her artwork she decided to go with the matted prints that way, she “can frame them to display if I want! Or keep them in the box to look at once in a while when I need reminding that I’m a badass.”

Since her session, Brianna says she has more confidence and feels more worthy of self-love. We hope that moving forward from her session, she can continue to feel this way every day!
Book your own solo boudoir session with Allebach Photography by calling 610.539.6920 or visiting http://allebachphotography.com/contact/