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I did want to let you know that today is the last day to buy the Book More Brides presentation. You’ll get my presentation…plus all the other amazing presentations.
Missed the presentation I gave at Book More Brides?
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn from me:
- The no pressure Niche Selling Method that makes the couple’s faces light up at the presentation had one groom saying, “Even if you doubled your price, we’d still book you!”
- The quick Niche Test you can do to discover if your niche idea is profitable so you can avoid wasted time and money.
- How to get your real weddings and articles featured in blogs and on the media without writing a word yourself.
- Your About Page Profit Formula rewrite to identify the perfect profitable niche for you.
- How to get your best clients to give you the words to use so that you can attract more couples exactly like them.
Last day to buy is the whole Summit is Today! Aug 22.
Here’s exactly what you get with Summit Secrets:

– Lara White, Photo MintThe author of Photography Business Secrets and widely published photographer teaches how to cut your marketing costs and increase your bookings.

– Elle Atkins, PostFilm DesignBrand identity design expert reveals the secrets to compete and dominate in a saturated market.

– Nate Grahek, Sticky AlbumsPro photographer and app developer reveals the strategy you can use to generate a flood of warm leads.

“Ready, Set, Submit! How to Turn Your Real Weddings Into Free Press” 
– Meghan Ely, OFD Consulting Wedding marketing and public relations specialist shares the secrets of getting featured on the hottest wedding blogs and how you can keep the press buzz going as long as you want.

– Meghan Ely, OFD Consulting Wedding marketing and public relations specialist shares the secrets of getting featured on the hottest wedding blogs and how you can keep the press buzz going as long as you want.

– Christine Dyer, Bridal TweetSocial media expert and founder of the Bridal Tweet wedding community outlines the Rules of Viral Marketing you can use to capture real leads on social media.

– Tobin Poppenberg, BrideMagnetWedding photographer and marketing automation specialist teaches you how to follow up, increase your sales and repeat customers …on autopilot!

– Alan Berg, speaker, author, consultantWedding industry expert and author of If Your Website Was an Employee, Would You Fire It? exposes the common mistakes photographers make that drive away brides

– Jason Spencer, Tribe.lySEO expert teaches how to find “low hanging fruit” and hidden gems for market domination and #1 Google positioning for targeted, high quality leads.

– Stacie Jensen, Colorvale ActionsPhotographer and Photoshop design expert reveals the secret formula for attracting raving fans on social media.

– Laura Novak, Laura Novak Photography EducationWedding photographer and multiple business owner reveals the 6 Figure pricing strategies you can use to increase your profits.
Every Summit presentation comes with:
- An MP4 video recording.
- An Mp3 audio recording.
- A PDF transcript to read so you don’t need to take notes.
- Access to a Member’s Only Area where you can ask questions.
- You can download everything immediately.