7am-6pm | Eryn planned, diligently, every aspect of her birthing experience. She wanted a natural, at-home, water birth, under the care of a midwife.
For the first half of her over 40 hour labor experience, she was living that plan. With the company of her husband and mother, she patiently worked through every hour and minute of the pain of contractions; and soothed them in the water Mat was carefully monitoring.

6am-11am | Despite all of her efforts, Eryn birthing plan was derailed by her little boy.
Her midwife decided it was time to go to the hospital. Despite the plan changing, the consistent pain, nothing was going to break Eryn’s spirits! She was so close to meeting her baby boy!

3:10pm | Natural birth just wasn’t in the cards for Eryn, and baby Adrian was delivered via c-section.
I wasn’t able to be there so I gave my camera to Mat who did an amazing job (alongside the nurses) capturing what I couldn’t; the first moments of Adrian and parents meeting in the world.

6:00pm-7:00pm | When I was permitted to return, after mom and baby were safe and sound, I got to meet this stubborn little man.
He was so beautiful and peaceful, laying skin to skin with his mama. Eryn, so tired, yet so elated to finally meet Adrian. Two became three that day, and the difficult journey of labor quickly faded in the shadows of this new adventure ahead.

Erika Schoof has over 10 years’ experience as a photography studio and production manager. Learn more about our studio at allebachphotography.com or by texting 610.539.6920. Join our facebook group here