Lingerie Plus Photography
Philadelphia Tattooed Wedding Allebach Photographer
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Couples Boudoir

Lingerie Plus Photography

Lingerie Photography

Looking to capture your body plus lingerie in a sexy photo shoot to remember. These lingerie photography sessions happen at our studio a short drive from New Hope, Pa. We are located in a factory loft, with bedding, props, crops and tops of lingerie. Okay that rhymes a bit, just being silly here but you get the drift. We want to make you over the moon with your experience at the studio.

Whether this is a solo lingerie photography session or you bring your partner along, grab your favorite clothing and let's make some art!

Lingerie photography does go by another name that's really hard to say "Boudoir." We won't make you say it even though it's the french word for bedroom. See you learn something new each day. Book a session at Allebach Photography and we'll give you a five star reviewed lingerie experience!!

Location: New Hope, Pa.